(Feeling Squared)Squared


The next month of my Ravelry GSSii swap has started, and as I previously shared, I had to make 4 orange squares for my partner. Here is what I came up with:

Two are kinda plain, I am thinking I might make more, I’m not a huge fan of them, but I think overall it was a good effort. I like using white to crisp up the colours. The patterns all came from Crochet Inspiration, slightly modified at times. A great book to have around for a little inspiration, who woulda thought? 🙂

All that’s left to do is package them up with a Vancouver postcard and maybe a sweet homemade card and ship them off to the “Empire State” sometime this week!


Filed under Crocheting

7 responses to “(Feeling Squared)Squared

  1. dahliadd

    Nice…I love the vibrant colors! They are true one of a kind squares!

  2. Rachel McIlroy

    I’m really liking the colours!!! I really like the bottom right square!

  3. Rachel McIlroy

    Aren’t we a pair? When are we going to hang out??? Soon!!!!!

  4. Rachel McIlroy

    I’m free tomorrow! I’m opening at work so I should be done around 4pm. I’ll text you tomorrow and we can figure something out!!!! Yay!!!

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