Tag Archives: Crochetville


Happy BC Day everyone! I hope you’re having a wonderful long weekend, I sure am!

I wanted to share the goodies I have received from swaps and such. First up are my music squares from the Granny Square Swap. They hail from a wonderful lady in Ohio. A country square and a square representing a song by Pink. Aren’t they lovely?

Next up are my Crochetville KISS Granny Squares. My swapner was Linda from Australia. I love international swapners! Aren’t the squares gorgeous? I love the colours and the stitches, so pretty, thanks Linda!

Last of my received goodies are my July Squares. The theme was Olympics, and look what I received from  California! One is a soccer square, very nice, and the second is a water themed square. She was thinking of creating some diving or swimming related, but after the IOC attacked Ravelry about their Ravlympics she decided to create a water themed square based on their behaviour. In one word, juvenile. So clever! The yarn is SO soft, and I love the rubber ducky! She also sent me some birthday goodies. A keychain, a cutting mat, a pencil sharpener and a delicious skein of purple yarn.Thanks Tsubunny!!!

My last share today are a couple of goodies I picked up at a flea market in Grand Forks, BC. I think the total for these 3 items was $1.50. Awesome 🙂 There was a bunch of pattern books (like 2 baskets) that I went through. My swapner, Bonnie, is an avid knitter, and I decided to pick her up a couple of sweater pattern booklets. They are definitely vintage. I hope she likes them! The other goodies are a couple new crochet hooks for myself. One is a wood handled H hook, and the green one is an I hook. I am super excited to give these a try!

There are my goodies, I hope you enjoyed seeing them!

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FO Friday Number 37

Hello Summer!!! The sun is finally out and I am baking in its glory! I spent the last 2 days outside and will continue to do so until the sun goes away 🙂

Crochetville once again offered the KISS Granny Square Swap this year, so of course I jumped in right away. My swapner is a lovely lady from Australia, who requested a 12 inch red square for her granddaughter’s babyghan. I asked her if I could use other colours in the square and she said yes. This turned out to be helpful as I had a little red in my stash but certainly not enough to make a 12 inch square. 

Tadah! The pattern is the Crown Jewels square from Melinda Miller. I made it in one night and I love it! I love the popcorn, I love the shell lace, so pretty! I did have some gauge issues, as it called for an H hook, but once I finished the final round I was only at 8 inches. I decided to add another round of the shells and border and it finally came out to 12 inches! I am also so glad I was able to incorporate a different colour as I definitely ran out of red. Still, it’s quite pretty no?

What’s next? Why, my July Swap Squares of course, the theme is awesome this month! And head on over to Tami’s to see the other FOs this week, XO!


Filed under Crocheting

Let the Sun Shine!

Greetings! Hope you’ve been having a good week, I sure have!

Today I wanted to share with you the dishcloth I received from my swapner. It’s a Michigan Sunflower. Isn’t it lovely? I love the texture of it! Thanks so much to Denise, aka MichiganIrish for all her efforts of my dishcloth, it’s been such a pleasure swapping with her!

Come back tomorrow and check out my FO, XO!


Filed under Crocheting

FO Friday, Number 32

Hey all, did you enjoy my goodies from yesterday? I hope so, I sure did!

As promised here is my FO for this week. I joined the KISS Dishcloth Swap on Crochetville last month, and I was partnered with Denise from Michigan. She said she wanted a bright dishcloth, so I went looking for the brightest yarn I could find. I have also had a particular dishcloth pattern in my Ravelry queue for a while, so I decided to give it a whirl. Do you like?

The pattern in Scrap Ripple Cloth from Anastacia Zittel. I love the simple but textured look of it. It took a bit of figuring out exactly where to “stitch in back loop only” to get the texture but once I did it was easy going. I used leftover green and white Peaches and Cream cotton, and bought the blue and pink Bernat Handicrafter cotton for the other brightness. I used a G hook. I really like it! So happy! Denise has received her dishcloth and likes it! *Phew! I am now patiently waiting for her creation.

There is my FO for this week. I can’t wait to show you what I have cookin’ for next month’s Square Swap :). As always, check out the other great FOs at Tami’s Amis, XO.


Filed under Crocheting

FO Friday, Number 22

BF and I decided to take advantage of the long weekend and headed up to the cabin in Whistler. Today was a bit of a lazy day as BF wasn’t feeling so well. We have had dinner and are now watching the Canucks in front of the fire.

I only have a small FO this week. This month`s C`Ville Swap is the $10 Stocking Swap. My swapner hails from Kentucky and I can`t wait to max out my $10! Anything from your stash doesn`t count, so I have been making use of the Christmas yarn I received in last month`s swap. I have made these little guys and am kinda addicted!

Here is a close up. The pattern is the Mini Motif Stocking from Doris Chan. I am using a J hook and stash yarn. The hexigons work up so quickly, and the result is killer! I`m not sure how many more I am going to make, not sure what to do with the Christmas yarn otherwise… Maybe I`ll just keep going and send her a box full of mini stockings!

There`s my ridiculously small FOF this week, albeit cozy by the fire, now I just need some hot cocoa 🙂 Check out the others here, XO.


Filed under Crocheting

U is for…


It is a dark and dreary Monday morning… yes I though about ‘umbrella’ as well, but when I was abruptly awoken by the doorbell this morning, I just had to share with you the reason:

I received my scrap yarn swap package! Yahooooooooo!!!! Look at all these goodies! Yarn, notions, notions bag, peppermint tea, chocolate oh my!

The package traveled all the way from Wisconsin, a big thanks goes to Danielle for being a wonderful swapner! I can’t wait to start using my new goodies!

There’s my ABCs for this week, stay warm and dry everyone!!


Filed under Crocheting

FO Friday, Number 13

Happy Friday friends! It is lovely, warm and sunny here in Vancouver, we’re set for a fantastic weekend 🙂

I am posting this a bit later because I didn’t think I had an FO this week. And then I read on C’Ville that my August swap had been delivered. SHWING.

I participated in the Scrap Yarn Swap for August. My swapner hails from Wisconsin, and has a busy busy life. Here is a picture of the goodies I sent her. The only stipulation was to send 5 two-inch diameter balls of yarn and 1 full skein of coordinating yarn. As you can see, I sent 6 balls of scraps and 4 full skeins. I also sent a cool recycled magazine container to house it all. I kept one for myself for scraps too 🙂

I also sent some stuff related to her life, coffee, a mug, gum, a notions kit, and stuff for her kiddlets and doggie. It was a pleasure putting it together, and now I get to sit back and wait for mine!

There’s my slightly related FOF, check out the others here, XO.


Filed under Crocheting

WIP Wednesday XI

Well, after a disappointing ABCs on Monday I am happy to rebound with WIPW. I have 3 projects to share with you, yahoo!

Square CentreFirst up is the beginning of the August granny squares. Last week I picked a pattern and started and then got incredibly side-tracked by other things. More to come with this one.

Next is an amigurumi for the “Surprise your partner” swap. I found this pattern and thought, cute, simple, done. It has been resting because I need to buy some fiber-fill and decide on the face.

Last, and most closely complete, are these fingerless gloves for the same swap. I love the bright pink yarn, the pattern is easy (link on FOF) and I found these cute blue buttons to cap it all off. All I have left to do it attach the buttons and cinch the wrist a bit.

I am also currently working on the C’Ville Scrap Yarn Swap, and am pretty much done, I have a bit more yarn to put together. But, if you can believe it, I have not crocheted ANYTHING for this swap… it’s starting to alarm me a bit… I was going to make a mug hug, then I bought a mug and it doesn’t really need a hug, maybe I’ll make one anyways for other mugs? I also plan on making a cute thread bookmark. But that’s all I got? Eeeeck!

There are my WIPs this week, busy busy! Head on over to Tami’s Amis for the multitude of others, XO.


Filed under Crocheting

Not a WIPW

Hey all, I forgot to take pics of the project I was working on over the weekend, and now it is complete and gone, so you’ll have to wait until Friday to see it. Thankfully I do have something to share with you today.

Remember last Friday when I shared the pretty purple squares for my C’Ville Swap? Well, my swapner received them and loves them! Yay, the best part! Well, I have received hers in return and mine are just as lovely!

I love the brightness of the yellow and the hint of purple within the blues, VERY nice. Added to my stash of squares they fit in quite nicely! Thanks so much to the Randi for her great work! Another successful swap!

On another note… asides from the purple bag, I don’t have any projects on the go… I haven’t “lost” my crojo (hee hee made a new word) but I also haven’t really been inspired to start anything new… In a few days I start up another couple swaps, so that will help. Therein lies my issue… I love to crochet, but I love to make things for other people, when I have noone to give to I have nothing to make… ugh.

Anyways, something will come. There is my  NOT A WIPW, hopefully not a recurring problem. If you actually want to see productive people, head over to Tami’s Amis. See you on Friday, XO.


Filed under Crocheting

L is for…

The love of loot!

Welcome to the next installment of ABC Monday with the Accidental Knitter. I have noticed everyone is writing about such wonderful things, like love and lace, and learning. I love those things too ok? But I just HAVE to share this you.

On Friday I received my Purse Swap Package from New England and MAN OH MAN was I spoiled like crazy! Now don’t get me wrong, the point of swaps is to make someone else’s day, spoil them like crazy etc etc. Which I try to do to the fullest, every time, no excuses. And I have been so privileged because every package in return has been phenomenal. 

Exhibit A: 

I mean look at it all! And it didn’t come in that big of a box, it was stuffed! Everything Tammy chose for me is PERFECT. She read me like a book. Everytime I took something new out of the box I squealed with delight. And then I would discover something special about it and squeal even more! 

Here are the totes (as the main part of the swap). One is lovely oatmeal grocery tote (on the right) with hints of purple and pinks, so pretty. I can’t wait to fill it with groceries and shopping goodies. The one on the left is a STUNNER of a tote. It is cabled. Crocheted cabled. I am so in love the with the darn thing it’s ridiculous. I have asked Tammy where the pattern comes from hopefully she gives up the goods. 

Other notables in the box were a kitty play cube for Cally (which she LOVES, hopefully I can snap a photo or 2 to share), a beautiful orangey mobius cowl, LOTS of Hello Kitty (yahoo!), and I mean lots, some yarn, coffee, scrapbooking stuff. Yup, spoiled like crazy. I want to say THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to Tammy, my spectacular swapner for being the best swapner I have had yet, with the wonderful email communication, kind words and amazing packages, she really set  the bar high. And makes me want to send better packages. If you have time, check out her blog here.

So there is my ABCs for the week, see you on Wednesday, XO.



Filed under Crocheting